Best color picker for mac
Best color picker for mac

best color picker for mac best color picker for mac

What makes a terrific colour app is one that allows us to tweak the schemes to suit the design we're working on, something that goes far beyond a visually appealing list of trendy "flat design" colours. You can even use Sympli Handoff to deliver your styleguides and, soon, your color tokens from your Design System too. As a result, we will end up with a style guide that you hand off together with the rest of the project so everyone down the line keeps the same carefully chosen colours. Not to choose the colours for us (that would be too easy!), but to inspire us. Which is why we tend to use colour scheme generators to speed up the design process.

best color picker for mac

Even though the "right" colour for a brand may be…say… red, it's hard to observe the colourless design at hand and say: "Yep, this brand and their website needs to use red as their primary colour". When designing for screens (or designing anything really), there are right colours and then there are wrong colours.

Best color picker for mac